Chayam, Vithura P.O, TVPM - 695551, Kerala, India | +91-472-285-6311 |
All Saints Public School


All Saints Public School focuses on giving the best education to our children under the course materials set according to CBSE and NCERT. All our teachers are well trained in giving each and every student under their care, the best future they can get. We take pride in molding our children into a self sufficient generation, so that they can go on to achieve greatness in their lives.

It is out belief that education is a truly never ending process and it begins right from the early years. That is why our institution caters to children, right from Pre-Kindergarten , Lower Kindergarten ( LKG ), Upper Kindergarten ( UKG ), Ist, IInd, IIIrd, all the way upto XIth and XIIth (All groups).

Enhanced curriculum

Enhanced curriculum for moulding the next generation with skills and imagination for a whole new world of possibilities. What makes us different from typical schools are -

Multimedia Enabled Interactive Classrooms

Besides the well furnished spacious classrooms, most of them have a touch of information technology too. The classrooms being converted into smartclasses for widening the imagination. A Hi-tech computer system with DLP projector / LCD monitor implemented in the class rooms for multi-sensory mode of learning. This helps to disseminate the information quickly and accurately as per the curriculam.

Computer Lab

A well equipped computer Lab with 20 computers is connected with internet. The students get the opportunity to work on the latest and advanced computers and softwares. A broad band Internet connection and LCD Projector are available for teaching and learning process.

Science Lab

The science temperament is nurtured through fully equipped and suitably designed laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Students are encouraged to use the facilities for enhancing their innovative and scientific skills.

Maths Lab

The formulae of mathelogical intelligence is cracked in the number zone of Maths Lab. A Mathematics lab that offers sufficient facilities to develop their arithmetic skill is also functioning effectively.


The school Library is a treasure house of educational periodicals, magazines, story books, fictions, autobiographies, encyclopaedias and a large number of books in all subjects.The library is constantly being updated. Students of all classes get the opportunity to visit the library during library periods.